

i am mine

riot act

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2004-03-14 3:47 p.m.

i remember.

i am in england.

this is a mistake.

i didn't think that this would happen, of all things. she said it herself...something was different...she didn't say whether it was bad or good...because it is neither...it is just different...before, i was in my element...controlling all that went on around me...here, i don't know what is going on...i'm just like a lost sheep...ha...that's a good one. i don't know...maybe it is the jet lag, but i feel bad. maybe it is disappointment with my assumptions going into this thing...or maybe nothing is wrong at all, and i'm just junky. i'm inclined to believe the latter statement is true. i should go out and try to walk around and explore...but i'm no explorer... she's the astronaught and i'm the astronomer.

