

i am mine

riot act

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2004-01-07 1:39 a.m.

first comes love and then comes pain

my friends' friendly insults rolled off my back like water on a duck's, my mind was elsewhere, accross the table...after an hour spent alone, i have nothing left to give...i've searched my mind, and the same answer appears...it is a shame i am doubted by all...everyone seems to have the same opinion..."yeah, he's a good guy, but he'll never succeed"...i hate that...mostly because i see the truth in it...times are gone for honest men...indeed they are, mr. cornell...indeed they are...i know what is going to happen...i need to treasure this time...the calm before the tempest...i don't know what to say to her to make her understand, and not scare her off...and then there is that little part of me that just wants to run away...that part is junky...i don't like it...

my house is cold...i hope she stays warm while she sleeps...

