

i am mine

riot act

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2003-11-09 9:25 a.m.

concerning hobbits

time is counting down now...i can see it from here...and when the time does come, i think i'll be my usual stoic self...after all, i am earth.

so i have to start pondering what i'm gonna try to do when she's gone...she already told me that she wanted me to date other people...i pretty much think that sucks...and i don't plan on doig it, no matter what happens or what i decide concerning hobbits...so the only real decision i have to make is whether or not to wait for her...not wait for her as in 'not see other people', because as i've already stated, i don't plan on that...but wait for her as in i will meet her when she returns, and try to begin again...

i don't know...i never have...

