

i am mine

riot act

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2003-08-21 10:38 a.m.

(the sky is falling in)

in my mind i'm already gone...living on my own...working from 9 to 5...going home to an empty apartment and listening to music through headphones...

i am up in the clouds
and i can't come down

i officially go back to purdue saturday...i am glad to be leaving...

there seems to be this cloud overhead. actually, no, it's more of a meteor...and it gets bigger and bigger...clearly i have played my share of videogames...i'm pondering attending church while at college...i tripped over a bench-type-object and no one laughed but me...sometimes i don't want to, but i do anyway...people never cease to amuse...i think it is because we have dreary weather here...i want my childhood in california...there is a thing called too many jokes...sometimes i just want to have a conversation...my body is out to get me...i'm glad you're happy with your choice...if i were you and you were me, i'd make the same decision...but its a little late for that...i hope i make myself do it, otherwise i think i'll stop...i'm scared...

