

i am mine

riot act

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2003-07-09 10:37 p.m.

something else

after this work session i have decided to exit the co-op program...this will allow me to graduate in 4 years as well as free up my summer to travel. i am young and should take advantage of my youth. i have realized that my dreams are fading, and real life will soon catch up to me. there will be no more nights with friends. there will be no more big plans. i will only do grown up things. my hobbies will fall away, one by one. they already have. the only thing that will stay intact is my mind. i believe i will always view life in 3rd person perspective. i can see my body decaying already. the dull pains grow sharp, the sharp senses grow dull...

watchin the rain fall out my window
watchin the storm rise from the sea
although the sky is dark n cloudy
to me it is plain to see

you are good enough for anything

runnin with my hand full of scissors
runin with my hand full of teeth
although mine eyes are bruised and bloodied
to me its plain to see...

