

i am mine

riot act

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2003-04-25 9:09 a.m.

mini fast cars

They said that timing was everything.
Made him want to be everywhere.
There's a lot to be said for nowhere.

the end of the school year is coming, as my friend has astute-ly foreshadowed...i have a lot of wishes...quite a list in fact...of things to do this summer...i do hope at least some of them will materialize out of thin air...i will attempt to play vigorously with a group of individuals on our respective instruments and try to form a band of sorts...it will take a lot of effort on my part...since the others always leave it up to me...always on my shoulders...like damn Atlas...or something...travelling will also be a large part of the summer...geez...i still have like 2 weeks left...and i'm already contemplating what i'll do in 2 months...terrible...its a terrible way to live...always living in the future...never the present...can't follow advice worth shit...i'd really like to be able to sing with some power...when i try, it just sounds like whispering...i should make a decent amount of money this work session...i'll spend it on junk...or save it to spend on junk later...yield is such a great album...i think this may be the last...

