

i am mine

riot act

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2003-04-02 1:10 p.m.

due date: next lab session

uh...i'm trying to think about something to complain about...but i can't seem to think of anything right now...and that kinda is...off...

it's a beautiful day outside.

i emailed the co-op peeps and told them i'd be good to go May 19th, which only gives me a week off after schooly is done, but what the hell...i wouldn't be doin anything anyway, and i might as well get some money...plus that will give me some more vacation time for later in the summer when i plan on doing cool stuff with cool people, and with my friends too...bwa ha...i'm funny...no...not really...

i think i'm in a good space now...both mentally and physically...and as i said before, i only see sunny skies out my window...

