

i am mine

riot act

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2003-02-28 11:35 a.m.

there is no dana, only zool

i'm reminded of that scene in ghostbusters where dr. venkman visits dana and she's possessed by some ancient evil...that's kind of how its goin over here...except i'm not a scantilly clad woman yearning for bill murray.

i have fully become the character i created:

a rogue

a cynic

a rockstar

an antihero

this is what i've become...a mix-n-match compilation of different superhuman fictional characters i grew up loving...the likes of He-Man, Wolverine, Gambit, Magneto, Havok, Stone Cold, Raven, Raphael, Jubei, Cloud, Cobain, Vedder, Cornell, Strider, Faramir, Raistlin, Tanis...i join these ranks of myth, never doing what i, myself, would do...but following the advice of the character i created.

i sketched a picture of Christ on the cross during ce270...it turned out ok...all of my drawings contain the same feel...i don't know if its a style or just the same crappiness...but i kinda like it...

i think my songwriting is progressing...at least lyrically...but not much...i still need to reach farther...dig deeper...but i think i might get there...if i keep digging...just keep digging...its the only reason i continue...because i need to become my character...i need to become a legend.

