

i am mine

riot act

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2003-02-05 8:12 a.m.

attempted dormatory

i don't seem to get along with anyone...at least not anyone i live with...it's a very interesting thing to experience, when you know it's coming, but you can't stop it...

the late night actions were very, very disturbing...why can't people just let me sleep?

but it's not like he meant it. no, not at all...i guess it could be worse...i guess we could engage in guerrilla warfare...i hate spelling...

in other news, classes are going somewhat well...i hope to change this by the time the first round of exams arrives...we can't have me doing above-average work...it just wouldn't do...but i have found that my drive to do my work has increased as of late...

i don't know why...

i don't know a lot of things...

i have decided to start a website and burn my recordings to disc...but when this will occur is beyond me.

i am thinking...always thinking.

