

i am mine

riot act

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2003-01-06 11:40 p.m.

offend in every way

i operated a motor vehicle to transport my cargo to its rightful owner...the bearded man sized me up with his eyes again...i was weighed, measured, and found to be wanting...in what you may ask...what else...communication skills...my lack of speaking prowess was an embarassment to my cargo and apparently an insult to the owner...i was rushed out of the house and told to be on my way, which i quickly was...

you tell me to relax
and listen to these facts
that eveyone's my friend
and will be till the end
but i know this much is true
no matter what i do
no matter what i say
offend in every way

sometimes i contemplate leaving this life and moving onto another...only taking with me an assortment of knicknacks and old stuffed animals...of course i'll take my soul and imagination with me...and maybe some laughs...but not much else...but i don't think my memories could survive the trip, so it's suspended indefinite-ly...

