

i am mine

riot act

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2002-12-28 11:11 p.m.

cold and damp

i survived celebrating the birth of a kid by mary in a basement...the fat man with beard was very nice to me this year...i managed not to get my usual lump of coal...my family causes me great distress...i am unconditioned for this...my luck gave me a throat called strep and antibacterial medicine...that was nice of it...i called my girlfriend (it still feels odd to refer to her by that) and managed to reveal how dumb i am...dumb meaning both not being able to speak and lacking intelligence...i'm an envious sort who thinks the worst...i'm jealous of people that only exist in my mind...i finally got some tools that i can use to illustrate my junkiness even more...woo hoo...

p.s. -- motherfucking mind...soon i will destroy the scrub so it will stop bringing it up....

