

i am mine

riot act

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2002-11-20 5:54 p.m.


i am the wizard born with talent that goes wasted...

i was good at one thing, and one thing only...i believe i mentioned this before...this one thing was school...i effortlessly coasted through...never studying...never working hard...if i completed the assignment, it was completed correctly...it was a given...i relied on this as a constant and based my life around this principle...i thought it would continue to work like this during my stint at college...
everyone is practicing,....
but this worlds an accident.
i was the fool because i thought
i thought the world
turns out the world thought me
its all the other way round
we're upside down
it has not...i am struggling to understand the content of my courses...and i am too proud to ask for help...or look for it...instead i just make rationalizations for why i'm doing poorly...but those are wearing thin...the fact is that i just need to learn how to study, and then study...but i feel so lost...

this is not the way it is supposed to be.

