

i am mine

riot act

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2002-11-17 12:41 p.m.


it feels like wandering...

same thing every day...getting to be the same thing every night...she seems to enjoy herself...i don't see how...but i'll play along...i didn't think it would last even this long...so all of this is just bonus time...

i walk a fine line...

my grades are slumping as they do at the end of every semester...i just lose steam and putter out...or get distracted by things i should know to not look at...like girls...but i don't think i can say 'girls' now, because they are young women...and i'm old enough to be called a young man, even though i may not act like it...but these times they are a changing, like bobby said...so now i just have to re-focus on the work at hand and not let my imagination stray too far from home...

life is just a succession of impressions
if memory serves, you learn your lessons
but if you can't find a simple sense
your idea is full of insignificance
my assertion is quite matter of face
but it all depends on cause & effect

because i assume the future will resemble the past
i assumed i was the last...last...

why must we live this life of sin
why can't i find myself within
why must i ask these silly things
why can't i find a voice that sings
why?...can't i...

