

i am mine

riot act

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2002-09-24 4:07 p.m.

vectors and the geometry of space

my hired assassin will do my bidding. you better look over your shoulder when you're out and about. no...not you. you. it's not just me, it's not just me. that makes it alright again.

my old friend is in trouble once again. sometimes i wish i had the lack of self-dicipline...people seem to think you're life is more exciting that way.

my classes are acting up. i think i need to give them a time out. put them in a corner. make them stare at a wall. don't they know i have better things to do? oh...wait...that's right. nevermind. never mind me. never.

'it's like i'm a still in a flipbook...waiting for the page to turn.'

--a little boy i once knew

