

i am mine

riot act

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2002-09-12 5:42 p.m.

heaven beside you

//i feel like i have to write something

/*but i don't know what to say*/

it's amazing how descriptive the above statement is in relation to many things in my life.

if (life!=fun)

[you = suck]

"like the coldest winter chill

heaven beside you

hell within"

i ponder most days on what i would be doing if i wasn't doing what i was currently doing. i would like to think that i would be in seattle, chasing a dream...

"So there's problems in your life

That's fucked up

And I'm not blind

I'm just see-through


Super jaded

And out of my mind"

the main thing i don't like about college is the constant state of expectation that goes along with it...i expect a lot of things from this shitty place...among these being entertainment and something to do...well, i should qualify that...something fun to do...and by fun i mean something that i like to do...there isn't much of that here...oh, sure, i could join a nerdy club...but it just wouldn't be fun...i find that it's not the activities that i do, but who i do them with that determines whether or not i'm having a good time...

looking in the mirror is becoming rather discomforting...i never got along with Change very well...but now that Change is here, me and him are trying to settle our differences in a civil manner...but sometimes i just get fed up and smack Change in the back of the head, like the little bitch he is...it's a shame he always hits back...harder...

