

i am mine

riot act

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2002-09-08 10:52 p.m.

the good life

"When I look in the mirror

I can't believe what I see

Tell me, who's that funky dude starin' back at me?"

today you went on a date. i know, hard to believe. well...it appears as if you didn't screw it up royally, as you expected (and rightfully so)...in fact, it went quite well despite your involvement...quite well indeed...almost too well...hmmm...

i just can't let something good happen...i must look for something wrong...

the usual avenue of her not liking 'good' music is null and void (how can an avenue be...nevermind)...she likes all types...listed among her favorites are led zeppelin AND pearl jam...the former even having a poster on her wall...

and so i returned here and immediatly started thinking...which is always a bad sign...i don't know how this is gonna turn out...don't even have a gut instict like normal (which i usually prove correct, even if it doesn't need it)...

my parenthesis commentary is annoying even me.

i'm going to go think about what happened today...much too much...craziness, i assure you...

and yes, school still tries to kill me on an hourly schedule. i just usually sidestep it so it falls down. yes, as stated before, i do think i'm clever, just not around you fools. get out of here. no one invited you anyway. blah blah blah.

ritz crackers sit on my desk next to an angel.

