

i am mine

riot act

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2002-08-28 12:32 p.m.

embrace the random

yesterday a man stopped me while i was surfing. he was wearing a suit and tie, and this threw me for a loop, because last i heard me and him weren't on friendly terms. so there i was, board under my arm, waiting to get back into the salt water, and this guy starts talking about how he felt bad that i was lost. now this made no sense, for two reasons. #1- i'm not lost. #2- if i were indeed lost, and you are here with me, doesn't that make you lost too? and if you know where you are, what makes you think i don't? (see #1) i wished him luck on finding his way and went back to surfing. as the waves beat me down, i realized who was also on his way. the drowning was quite peaceful.

after that mess i did my homework and watched 'from dusk till dawn,' a very entertaining peice of cinema. following my viewing pleasure, a girl i don't know bothered me, and i bothered a girl who doesn't know me.

[random] when i bowl, i never use my name, but i enter phrases, so when i get a spare/strike and i flashes on the screen, it flashes my phrase. and while this may read pretty boring, it actually provides hours of fun.

|random 2| my housing partners came up with the idea of putting transmitters in coffins so you could beep someone if you were buried alive...i think it could sell...and yes, this IS what we talk about during lunch...

{random 3} i don't really have one, but three is the magik number, so i thought i should make it so...philosophy is gettin good...i like to think...even though what i think is usually proven wrong...the prof. is a groovy cat who curses to emphasize his point...very good...homework is calling me now...i would say 'shut up, bitch'...but i'm that would destroy the nice guy image...

