

i am mine

riot act

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2002-06-24 11:02 p.m.

piano isn't a 4 letter word, but love is

i jammed with 'action' today. it rocked. well...almost. it could have. if we practice more, we'll be great. we played a listenable version of 'rockin in the free world' with myself on vocals (i don't claim to be a singer) and a magical 'knockin on heaven's door' cover, with onecrazymojo singing stream of concious lyrics that fit well to the groove and mr. action on piano...it was just great...i closed my eyes and got lost in the music...it was beautiful...i needed that.

we then tried to catch miss aoryn at work, but apparently she wasn't there, or at home, and so our miss aoryn fan club was without a subject to fan...and we then denounced her choice of boyfriend unanimously...and mr. action declared that she deserved better, because she had class...i couldn't agree more...even though that rules me out...but i've already ruled myself out...

damn that miss inman

i blame her for my current state of ruination...but both of us know its nobody's fault but mine...

