

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-12 4:25 p.m.


"Troubled souls unite. We got ourselves tonight. Oh.

I am fuel, you are friends. We got the means to make amends.

I am lost. I'm no guide but I'm by your side.

I am right by your side. Yeah."

i visited an old friend yesterday...and even though things are 'fucked up' as my accomplice so rightly put it, it was a good time...way better than staying here....my grades seem to be slipping away from me...my half-hearted efforts don't seem to be cutting it...compared to most people, my problems seem insignificant...

i can't wait until this second leg of schooling is finished...even now my mind wanders with thoughts of what could be...

we each seem to be dealing with our split differently...some sleep their life away, dreaming of better days...others have turned to chemical substances to ease the pain...and still others have latched on to new people to replace the ones they've lost...me...i just try to stay how i was, remember the old days, keep to myself, let no one in...basically, deny that things are changing...will it to stop...

a memory of soccer practice popped in my brain...we were running (one of the few times) and i was singing a song to myself...used it as an escape...what i would give to be there now...

"Young lover I stand. It was their idea. I proved to be a man.

Take my fucking hand. It was their idea. I proved to be a man."

