

i am mine

riot act

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2002-04-01 9:43 a.m.

the wind cries mary

"Will the wind ever remember

The names it has blown in the past?

And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom

It whispers no, this will be the last"

just got finished reading spidey-boy's perfect entry...how can i top it?...i can't...but that won't stop me from putting up my half-assed assessment of my life...

well...i went to wisconson and saw some family...a baby was present...i'm scared of babies...they are too little...i'm afraid i'll break it...so when it was my 'turn' to hold the little girl (my second cousin i suppose)...i held it out and away...it looked like a little star and stared at me funny...like it expected something else then what i had done...interesting...that seems to be the way most people look at me...my grandparents are doing alright i suppose...but they are not getting any younger...but i did realize that i'm almost exactly like 'opa'...his caustic sense of humor...his flippant cursing of the world...how he shows his affection...just goes to show that i am an old man...

other people seemed to have a fuller weekend than mine...but i suppose if i would have been there, i would have just messed it up somehow...

it seems a certain someone has moved on...well...maybe two certain someones...craziness, i assure you...nothing like this happens to me...it seems i won't let it...better safe than sorry...just have to condition myself...DTA...i swear spidey-boy is a genius...after all...he is a superhero.

"And the wind cries mary"

