

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-18 7:27 p.m.


i really wish i had super powers...any kind would do, although i would prefer some projectile, shuch as being able to 'charge' something, such as a playing card, so it would explode on impact (for those of you who aren't 'in the know', that is Gambit's power [from x-men])...

it even gets to the oint where sometimes i pretend i have these powers...for instance, sometimes when i would be angry i would clench my fists and wish i was wolverine and 'pop' my claws...sometimes i even think 'snikt'...

don't worry...i know it's not real...i only wish...


What is the secret of your powers?!


Won't you take me far away from the mucky-muck, man?"

