

i am mine

riot act

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2001-10-15 2:29 p.m.


"Go it alone. You got it so it goes.

Gonna breathe and I said, "I can't take it any other way.""

i guess some people are meant to go through life alone...by alone i mean without significant other...i guess i'm one of those people...

while eating lunch witha midget, no, scratch that, a munchkin...i was informed that 2 people i know are engaged to be married...that is funny since i don't even date...

but this isn't a bad thing...at least not all bad...because now i can do what i want to do (for the first time in my life)...not to mention the fact that if i were to ever have children, they would be screwed up...i imagine my parenting style would be sort of like how adam sandler did it in "big daddy"...except it probably wouldn't be as funny...

