

i am mine

riot act

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2001-09-10 2:21 p.m.

oh well

wasting time.

that's what i feel like i'm doing now....i'm not learning anything...just reviewing mostly...and i'm not doing anything outside of school...unless you count my d&d gaming sessions...which i don't...and so on it goes...me just wasting time...what i really want to do is something i'm not very good at...at least not compared to the people who are doing it...yup...that's right...i want to be a rock star...at least be in a band that plays gigs...but i know it won't happen...so i don't even try...althought the thought did cross my mind...there is a guy in the guitar club that is really good...and he likes the same stuff i like...me and him even traded riffs to "oh well" by peter green (fleetwood mac, old school)...we'll see....we'll see.

